Last Man Standing Mod for Doom 3 - 03/21/05
Here’s another update of some of the latest mods that are tickling our
fancy and floating our boats. Today, we look at Doom 3’s Last Man
Standing, which promises demons oozing through every orifice. Horror
sense tingling? Read on.
Mod Stats
Name: Last Man Standing
Website: http://lms.d3files.com
Developer: Platinum Arts
Engine: Doom 3
Percentage complete: 70%
is your last stand. Imps are pouring through the door on the left,
while slugs worm their way through the vent in the corner. Two
team-mates are dead, another is a mere faltering heartbeat within a
crumpled body at your feet. You’re alone in this hell with just a
handful of shotgun rounds to fire and seconds to live. But if being the
last man standing isn’t always a prize worth fighting for, this
forthcoming Doom 3 mod certainly is.
Far from a total conversion, Last Man Standing will
simply take id’s environments and
build closed, claustrophobic arenas, with demons oozing through every
imaginable orifice. You’re going to sink eventually; the only question
is how long you can swim? “We’re aiming to incite panic in the
players,” says mod leader Michael Tomaino, menacingly.
you won’t always be alone. The mod will have cooperative play as well
as single-player, which will mean you can put your life on the line
alongside your friends. “We’ll add more monsters to the map depending
on how many players there are,” warns Tomaino. An old favorite, the
double-barreled shotgun, will return, upgraded for the job at hand
alongside a ‘plasmathrower’, which Tomaino describes, unsurprisingly,
as “a flamethrower that launches bursts of blue plasma”.
We’ll also be able to ‘hack’ doors to seal them off. The onus, however,
will be on the team-mates, who must fight desperately to defend the
hacker while he closes the entry points. Think of all the nightmare
scenes in Aliens: doors being sealed with seconds to spare as
xenomorphs throw their bodies against metal. As in Cameron’s movie,
players can also deploy sentry bots and turrets to pin the beasts in
the primary game (singleplayer or co-op), your task is simply to stay
alive and waste a designated number of psycho-morphs. In the
competitive mode, the stream of monsters never ends, and the last man
standing is the winner by default. A third mode currently being debated
by the team will involve players competing in a suicide mission to rack
up kills – with a ticking timebomb strapped to their torso. Death is
inevitable, but then Last
Man Standing is all about going out with a bang – with a grin plastered across your chops.