Last Man Standing Mod for Doom 3
Here’s another update of some of the latest mods that are tickling our
fancy and floating our boats. Today, we look at Doom 3’s Last Man
Standing, which promises demons oozing through every orifice. Horror
sense tingling? Read on.
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E-Force Mod for HL2
HL2 mods are popping up all over the place, but luckily, we've done all
the gruntwork and have found the cream of the crop. This week, we look
at E-Force, an ambitious mod that looks to combine roleplaying elements
with realistic tactical combat.
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Star Trek MMO Exclusive Interview
We recently scored an exclusive interview with the lead designer of the
Star Trek Online massively-multiplayer game -- and we were full of
questions for him about this long talked-about project. Our own Gareth
Von Kallenbach talks Trek with Glen Dahlgren of Perpetual Entertainment
to find out what lies beyond Trek gaming’s final frontier.
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Brothers in Arms: Multiplayer Overview
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is one of our top anticipated games
of 2005 not only for it's amazing single player, but also for it's
unique multiplayer mode. Developer Gearbox putting an emphasis on
differentiating BIA's multiplayer experience from that of other world
war 2 deathmatch modes.
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Poll: Best PC Games of All Time
We're working on a feature to spotlight the greatest PC Games ever
released. What are your personal picks on the best PC Games you've
played and why? Let us know your choices for the best PC Games of all
time, and you might see your opinion in an upcoming issue!
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quiz: What was the big story at this year’s Electronic Entertainment
Expo? We all know the answer, right? It’s Xbox 360, isn’t it? Isn’t
that what we were told on countless infotainment spots on CNN, network
newscasts, and Entertainment Tonight? Isn’t that what Frodo said on MTV?